How dare you! Minister of Communication and Information Gives Elon Musk a Strong Warning About This – 

Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi confirmed that no one would promote online gambling anymore. He said he had written to billionaire Elon Musk’s social media. This follows the discovery of advertisements related to gambling on X/Twitter some time ago. This punishment depends on the stage of the letter sent by Kominfo.
“We have already written officially to , Friday (19/1/2024).
For those who ignore this request, he assured that the Ministry of Communications and Information will take firm action. The warning applies to all platforms.
“But what is certain is that we will take firm action if they ignore our concerns. Yes, this applies to all platforms without exception,” he explained.
Last October, Kominfo also issued a similar order to technology giant Meta. The parent company of Facebook and Instagram was asked to immediately clean up online gambling content on its platform.
“I convey orders as well as a strong warning to Meta to immediately clean up all kinds of content that supports, facilitates, and/or promotes online gambling or slot gambling activities on all Meta platforms within 1 x 24 hours,” said Budi in his statement.
Budi sent a letter to Meta with Number B703/M.KOM INFO/ Al.05.02/10/2023 regarding Orders for Handling Content and Activities of Online Gambling and/or slot gambling by PSE to Meta Representatives in Indonesia dated October 2 2023.
After the requested time, Kominfo said that a lot of content had been taken down. Although Meta admits that it takes time to reduce all online gambling content.

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