US Eagerly Awaits Indonesia’s Official 2024 Election Results

US Eagerly Awaits Indonesia’ Official Results

Indonesian Politics. The US says it is looking forward to Indonesia’s official election results after hundreds
of millions of citizens voted to decide on President Joko “Jokowi'' Widodo's successor on Wednesday.

Quick count results by various surveys show Prabowo Subianto –the current defense minister– claiming a landslide victory. The General Election Commission (KPU), however, will announce the official results by March 20 at the latest. Wednesday’s election became the world’s largest single-day election as Indonesians did not only vote for their president but also the national and provincial lawmakers.

“This vote was a testament to the durability and strength of the Indonesian people’s commitment to the democratic process and electoral institutions. We look forward to the General Election Commission’s announcement of the official election results,” US Department of State spokesperson Matthew Miller said in a press statement sent to the Jakarta Globe on Thursday.

According to Miller, the US looks forward to Indonesia’s next president-elect and government, as well as the legislative houses, on the shared priorities that benefit the people of both countries. “Including addressing climate change, ensuring a prosperous and secure Indo-Pacific, and safeguarding international stability,” Miller said.

Miller even called Indonesia a “close partner” to the US with its cooperation guided by the comprehensive strategic partnership. Jokowi and his American counterpart Joe Biden first announced the US-Indonesia comprehensive strategic partnership status —the highest possible bilateral cooperation status- last year. 

“Together with Indonesia’s new administration, we will work to deliver a better future for our citizens and tackle the most pressing challenges of the 21st century,” Miller said.

Washington did not specifically comment on Prabowo possibly securing an outright win based on the preliminary results.

Prabowo previously revealed what sort of foreign policy strategy he would adopt should he win the election. He intends to maintain what he calls a “good neighbor policy”, even saying: “A thousand friends is too few, one enemy is too many.”

Prabowo also once commented on the US election and whether he was willing to work with Donald Trump if the latter returned to the White House. Prabowo said he was ready to work with “anybody that is lawfully elected by the American people”.

The US is holding its very own election this November. Trump will likely face off against the incumbent Biden again.

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